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Lizzy Lane Farm

Palo Santo Sticks- for Clearing, Peaceful Vibrations, Banishing Negativity. Provides Spiritual Protection,Brings Good Luck, Witchcraft and Wicca Supply

Palo Santo Sticks- for Clearing, Peaceful Vibrations, Banishing Negativity. Provides Spiritual Protection,Brings Good Luck, Witchcraft and Wicca Supply

Regular price $ 10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 10.00 USD
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Palo Santo Sticks

Incense: Palo Santo Incense, Palo Santo Sticks, Palo Santo Smudging

 Holy Wood for clearing spaces...


Palo Santo (B. graveolens), also known as Holy Wood, is a tree that grows on the coast of South America and is related to Frankincense, Myrrh, and Copal. A natural incense for smudging & insect repellant, it creates a pleasant and fresh smelling smoke with hints of mint, citrus, with notes of frankincense.
Peruvians harvest fallen branches and twigs of the tree, a practice that is strictly regulated by the government of Peru, so trees are not cut for wood harvesting.
Palo Santo is a natural wood, known for centuries by the Incas and other indigenous cultures as a spiritual remedy. Used for cleansing, purifying, and to rid (areas and people) of evil spirits, misfortune, or calamity.


You'll receive between 4 to 6 sticks of Palo Santo wood - the size of sticks will vary between 3.75" to 4.25" x around .5" to 1" thick. Sustainably harvested! The fresh, new batch is heavy with scent and ready to burn.


How to use Palo Santo Wood

Light the corner of a single Palo Santo stick, and blow out the flame, let it smolder as you smudge your sacred space, no charcoal is needed. After smudging lay it in a fireproof bowl or Abalone Shell to let burn out. The cleansing power of the shells helps to keep the Palo Santo energized for the next use.



Wild harvested from Peru under Government regulations.




Never leave burning items unattended.

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